Friday, 17 December 2010

GOD. SAVE. ME. i'm blogging...

I've decided to bite the bullet and blog.

I have thoughts; be they pithy, brilliant, delirious, idealistic. I have them.

A great woman (and blogger), Nell Knox, once said to me that she could just tell that I was brimming with things to blog about. Well, Nell "Weliveinsockhellyouarefunnyashellreally" Knox, I am doing it.

God save me. I'm blogging.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

A Front Porch Perspective

Every front porch holds an ounce of wonder-working power that, when discovered by its inhabitant(s), allows the soul to take flight in exploration and meditation. Underneath those blue-boarded skies (if built by the southern code) and away from the distractions of the technology dependent world, there is nothing for the soul to do but face itself and the world panned before it.

During my last semester at Mercer University, Macon, GA, I lived in a wonderfully dingy apartment cut out of an expansive early twentieth-century mansion. Aside from the ridiculously low rent, I was drawn to the apartment for one reason - the small porch I shared with my neighbor. It was a perfect 8x10 rickety piece of heaven on earth and it was mine. Mine to study on, a place to drink, laugh, and confront the tougher issues of life with good friends, and a secure place to ask myself the questions I would otherwise avoid.

I am a self-confessed "front porch muser."

The power of the porch is unrivaled and I would put serious money on the truth that the majority of humans wandering this planet have had a profound conversation or time of meditation on a "porch" - be it a beer-can strewn porch in a southern college town, a back garden in Oxford, a sepia rooftop in Marrakech, or a front stoop in Dublin.

With that inspiration, I am going to be self-indulgent by means of the world wide web and share some of these front porch musings with those of you who care to read them.

Go find yourself a porch. :)