Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Things I Can't Get Enough Of

Now that I'm off 'the Facebook,' my days are filled with limitless amounts of heretofore unimagined time. Time to do what, you might be wondering. I'll tell you. To waste time in new ways. And here are some of my absolute favorite time-consuming habits/hobbies/loves:

You may or may not know this about me, but I'm obsessed with engagement videos (on youtube) and wedding photos.

My favorite wedding photographer is a dude based out of Birmingham, ABryan Photography. I love his work. Love it. Check out his 8mm videos of weddings on his blog, they are better than chicken noodle soup for the wedding-depraved soul. And while I'm thinking about it, I hated those books. So let's make that saying seasonal and formally change it (here and now) to "King Cake for the wedding-depraved soul."

And now that I've shamelessly admitted to stalking engagement videos on youtube, I'll share one of the most romantic and another that's, let's say, not so romantic.

The good
(ignore the Motorola ad at the end, for your own good):

The gone-horribly-terribly-wrong

Another of my new daily obsessions is checking the BBC's Day in pictures, featuring photographs from around the world, everyday. It's a photographic wonder-trip.

Looking at the photos also gives me the travel bug something awful. Which is tolerable at the moment, because I'm spending a good amount of time planning early-summer trip to London, Oxford, and Paris with my darling sister, Ally.

We'll be visiting architectural, historical, and aesthetic wonders like:

Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford:

My old flat, Oxford:

The River Isis, Oxford:

Westminster Abbey (two weeks after Kate and bff's...mega-awesome wedding):

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to not only travel back to a place I called home (if ever-so-briefly), to a place I've never been, and to have my sister along for the wild fun! It's going to be a great trip!

More soon. I'm dedicating entire posts to my other obsessions: Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Naya Rivera, the Blues, finding a job after graduate school, Hanson, wondering why I'm still in graduate school, and Colin Firth.

Check back soon!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back! I love Christ Church and Oxford. I hope you and Ally have a lovely, lovely time together over there. Hope you are well and can't wait to read future posts!
